China - an amazing country full of diverse attractions and beauties! China's ancient civilization has been able to preserve their lands in the depths of the original traditions of its own people, to create a number of strong technology foundation, peacefully coexist with centuries of tradition-rich culture. Great-grandfathers tradition decorate unforgettable for its beauty scenery of pristine nature - from mild air surface of the cleanest rivers and lakes, surrounded by lush green vegetation, to the high snow-capped peaks of Tibet. I like the centuries-old ancient temples of the Buddha and the modern skyscrapers of megacities in China, gracefully-organically merge into a single amazing personification of beauty in our Zemle.Takzhe I like Tienanmen Square and the Great Wall of China. ( Китай - удивительная страна, полная разнообразнейших достопримечательностей и красот! Древняя цивилизация Китая смогла сберечь в недрах своих земель первоначальные традиции собственного народа, создать рядом мощную технологическую основу, мирно сосуществующую с вековыми традициями богатой культуры. Прадедовские традиции украшают незабываемые по своей красоте пейзажи первозданной природы - от легкой воздушной глади чистейших рек и озер, окруженных пышной зеленой растительностью, до высокогорных снежных вершин Тибета. Мне нравятся многовековые старинные храмы Будды и современные небоскребы мегаполисов Китая, грациозно-органически сливающиеся в единое потрясающее олицетворение прекрасного на нашей Земле.Также мне нравится площадь Тяньаньмэнь и Великая Китайская стена.)
I want to build a water park in Kaliningrad, because there is no good water park. The project was created with the help of foreign experts from Germany, Poland, Lithuania and France. In construction participating builders from different countries, such as Norway, Finland, Russia .
Most recently, we built the first water slide. Currently under construction are two water slides. The plans to build another five slides and 3 pools for people who already know how to swim, 2 pools for those who want to learn to swim and 1 pool for children.
We also need to build changing rooms, showers, toilets, saunas. We also plan to open a coffee shop, what would people after swimming to rest after drinking the juice or coffee.
In the future we hope that this will become a popular water park that would relax with family and enjoy the time spent.
And a lot of people, when I try to explain the hum, they assume that I'm talking about the writing, that my writing brings me joy.