ответ:1 a
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have.
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since4. 1. The the, 2. The, 3. A the, 4. The, -, the, -, -, the, - 5.the the a
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since4. 1. The the, 2. The, 3. A the, 4. The, -, the, -, -, the, - 5.the the a5 1. Environmental 2. Fruitful 3. Damagely 4. Predictly 5. Natural
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since4. 1. The the, 2. The, 3. A the, 4. The, -, the, -, -, the, - 5.the the a5 1. Environmental 2. Fruitful 3. Damagely 4. Predictly 5. Natural6 1. Had been, 2. Gave 3. Were 4. Phoned 5. Had not invented
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since4. 1. The the, 2. The, 3. A the, 4. The, -, the, -, -, the, - 5.the the a5 1. Environmental 2. Fruitful 3. Damagely 4. Predictly 5. Natural6 1. Had been, 2. Gave 3. Were 4. Phoned 5. Had not invented7. 1 d, 2 e, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 e, 7 a
ответ:1 a2. 1happened, 2. Suffered, 3. Destroyed, 4. Carried, 5. Lost, 6. Died, 7. Will try, 8. Will help, 9. Will learn, 9.will invent, 10. Will help, 11.will help, 12. Will have. 3. 1. Since, 2. For, 3. Since, 4. For, 5. For, 6. Since4. 1. The the, 2. The, 3. A the, 4. The, -, the, -, -, the, - 5.the the a5 1. Environmental 2. Fruitful 3. Damagely 4. Predictly 5. Natural6 1. Had been, 2. Gave 3. Were 4. Phoned 5. Had not invented7. 1 d, 2 e, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 e, 7 a8. 1 make, 2.make 3. Do 4. Make 5. Do 6. Do 7. Make 8. Do 9. Make 10. Do 11. Make 12. Do 13. Do 14. Make 15. Make
9. 1. Whom, 2. Which, 3. Which, 4. That, 5. Whom
1. A boy or a girl can be bully
2. A kind of abuse is a bullying.
3. Someone is hurt or threaten an attemp or a bullying
4. What is Blackmail?
Long form
- He does not like balloons.
- I do not like tigers.
- My mum does not like cats.
Short form:
- She doesn't like eggs.
- I don't like snakes.
- My grandpa doesn't like cake.
Задание 2: Здесь нужно поставить галочку к тем вещам, которые нравятся вашей маме, а крестик к тем, которые не нравятся. Выберите свои комбинации.
Можно вот там ==> галочка: cakes (торты), pastries (выпечки), balloons (шарики), gloves (перчатки), grapes (виноград). Крестик: books (книги), nuts (орехи), toy cars (игрушечные машинки), yo-yos (йо-йо), slippers (тапки).
Задание 3: Здесь нужно нарисовать все подарки, которые маме нравятся. Я напишу что можно описать, а вы нарисуйте это.
My mum likes perfume (нарисуйте духи)
She likes to new clothes. She likes dresses, jumpers and skirts (нарисуйте платье, кофту и юбку). She likes cooking, so she likes to get new kitchenware as presents (нарисуйте что-нибудь из кухонной утвари, например микроволновку или сковородку).
She doesn't like drawing, so no papers, pencils or paints as presents (можете нарисовать листок и рядом краски и перечеркнуть это крестиком). She doesn't like dolls (нарисуйте куклу и перечеркните ее). She doesn't like flowers (нарисуйте цветы и перечеркните их).