Grilled sausages
Burger with additive
It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced diet is useful for every person. We depend on food as well as the cars depend on gas, for example. It’s our natural fuel, which gives our body physical strength and health. When the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy.Different types of food contain different nutrients for our body. Some supply us with carbohydrates, some with proteins or fats, some with vitamins and minerals, etc. Many people think that fat is bad for people and they try to cut down on it. There is even a special line of products, called low-fat. The problem is that we do need some kinds of fat, but the saturated fats from animal products, like red meat, butter and cheese, can be really bad for health. Friendly fats can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds, olives and tuna fish, and in some other products.
Organization of student activities in pairs and small groups
To ensure fruitful work in pairs and in a small group, it is not enough just to correctly formulate an educational task or urge students to be patient with the interlocutor. You need to define a clear and consistent course of action for students to ensure their cooperation. In the pedagogical movement to create a collective way of teaching, significant developments have been made in this direction.
Organization of educational work in pairs
The educational activities of schoolchildren can take place in permanent or replacement pairs. There are the following types of educational work in pairs: discussion, joint study, training, training and verification.
The types of work in pairs differ:
• positions (roles) of students;
• goals;
• content;
• techniques of interaction;
• results
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тыквенный суп с яблоками
Kangaroo steak
pumpkin soup with apples