For the celebration of Easter must be prepared in advance. The Church prepares believers for the most important holiday of seven weeks of fasting — a time of repentance and spiritual purification. Paschal joy impossible to survive in its entirety, not when he had fasted, though not as strictly as it is prescribed by monastic rules. If you have tried fasting before Easter, you can confirm it yourself.
The celebration of Easter begins with participation in the Easter Service. It is very special, different from the usual Church services, very "easy" and joyful. In Orthodox churches, as a rule, the Easter service begins at midnight, but it is better to come to the temple in advance, so as not to be beyond its threshold — most churches are crowded on Easter night.
At the Easter Liturgy, all believers try to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. And after end the service, the faithful "christocrats" — greet each other with a kiss and the words "Christ is risen!»
Having come home, and sometimes directly in a temple, arrange an Easter feast. During Easter week in all churches, as a rule, anyone is allowed to ring the bells. The celebration of Easter lasts forty days — as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection.
On the fortieth day Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. During the forty days of Easter, and especially in the first week — the most solemn — go to visit each other, give painted eggs and cakes, play Easter games.
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