1.You really get on my nerves . Why don't you just go away?
I beg your pardon?You have no right to treat me with such disrespect.
2. I'm taking part in a charity swimming race next week . Do you want to join me ?
Sure ! we should all do our bit for charity
3. i didn't break your favourite mug , Dad . I swear !
tell the truth , Ryan . You should take responsibility for your actions
4. the local council said we are no longer allowed to play football in the park
That's not fair . We should stand up for our rights and do something about it
5. You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say will be taken down in evidence .
I didn't steal the painting , officer ! It wasn't me
6. I witnessed a mugging yesterday . What should i do ?
Well , i think you have a responsibility to report it to the police
Дорогая Фиона,
Как твои дела? Я хорошо провожу время в Италии. Горы прекрасные и очень белые. Мэтт и я катаемся на лыжах каждый день. Мы просыпаемся рано утром и возвращаемся домой поздно вечером. Отель очень хороший, но мне не очень нравится еда здесь. Я ем пиццу всё время. По вечерам мы плаваем в закрытом бассейне или читаем книги около камина.
Это очень весело.
Увидимся скоро!