1) swims
2) are revising
3) Do.. ..like..
4) don't live
5) Is.. ..doing..
6) goes
7) isn't listening..
1) слово "often" - "часто" говорит о регулярности действия, то есть Present Simple
2) слово "now" в конце означает "сейчас", выполняется действие в данный момент - Present Continuous
3) like - глагол состояния; не используется в Present Continuous, тогда Present Simple
4) Говорится о регулярном проживании, а не о временном, поэтому Present Simple
5) Джеймс сейчас в комнате; тем более ведётся диалог в настоящем времени - очевидно Present Continuous
6) "everyday" - "каждый день" указывает на регулярность - Present Simple
7) "at the moment" - "в настоящий момент" указывает на то, что действие происходит сейчас - Present Continuous
When they got home their owners didn't recognize them, so they met at the park again. The black cat said "We need to think of a way to get in our homes." While they were thinking the black cat thought of a way to get in their homes, to rinse themselves off in the river. So she said " We could wash ourselves in the river and get the paint off of us so that our owners will recognize us." So that's what they did but when they got out they were wet. But when they got home their owners recognized them. The owners were happy to see their cats and the cats were happy to see their owners.