4 Read again and answer the questions. Was it Christmas Day? Was it a spring day? Did Tina get up early? Did she make a pizza? Did Dan make a postcard? Did Dan give mother an apple and a banana? 1025 mother happy?
1. We didn't speak while we were eating the meal.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of not speaking is happening at the same time as the action of eating the meal.
2. We didn't speak during the five days you were out.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is the five days that the person was out.
3. George phoned for three hours.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the duration of an action. In this case, the action of George phoning lasted for three hours.
4. I stayed in Rome while she was on holiday.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of staying in Rome is happening at the same time as the action of her being on holiday.
5. Sally wrote a lot of letters for the lesson.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the purpose or reason for an action. In this case, Sally wrote a lot of letters with the purpose being for the lesson.
6. The students looked very bored during the three hours.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is the three hours, and the action is the students looking bored.
7. I fell out of bed while I was asleep.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of falling out of bed is happening at the same time as the action of being asleep.
8. Yesterday evening I watched TV for the day.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the duration of an action. In this case, the action of watching TV lasted for the day.
9. I don't usually watch TV during dinner.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is dinner, and the action is watching TV.
10. Do you ever watch TV while you are having dinner?
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of watching TV is happening at the same time as the action of having dinner.
В этом кроссворде тебе нужно найти и зачеркнуть еще шестнадцать предметов одежды. Я поясню, как это сделать.
Сначала посмотри на горизонтальные и вертикальные строки слов. Ты видишь буквы, которые составляют слова "HAT", "JEANS", "SHIRT", "T-SHIRT", "SKIRT", "SHOES", "DRESS"? Если нет, давай начнем пошагово искать остальные предметы одежды.
1. Взгляни на горизонтальную строку над словом "HAT". В начале строки ты увидишь букву "H". Зачеркни ее, потому что она уже встречается в слове "HAT". Затем посмотри на следующую букву в этой строке. Она равна "1". Но это не следующий символ ни в одном из искомых слов, поэтому ничего не зачеркиваем. Переходим к следующей букве, которая равна "A". Зачеркни ее, так как она образует слово "HAT". Затем посмотри на следующие буквы и зачеркни их, если они помогают нам составить слово. Продолжи эту процедуру для каждой буквы во всех строках и столбцах, где возможно составить слово.
2. Теперь посмотри на вертикальные строки слов. Ты видишь слова "SKIRT", "DRESS" и "T-SHIRT"? Если нет, давай поискать их.
3. Ок, теперь мы должны зачеркнуть еще шестнадцать предметов одежды. Давай начнем со строки, которая начинается с "R". Четыре буквы в этой строке образуют слово "DRESS". Зачеркни их. Затем посмотри на другую строку, которая начинается с "U". В этой строке ты видишь слова "SHIRT" и "SKIRT". Зачеркни их. Продолжи эту процедуру, пока не зачеркнешь все предметы одежды, которые ты видишь на картинке кроссворда.
4. Если тебе нужна дополнительная помощь, не стесняйся спрашивать. Запиши слова, которые ты нашел, и я помогу тебе найти остальные.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of not speaking is happening at the same time as the action of eating the meal.
2. We didn't speak during the five days you were out.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is the five days that the person was out.
3. George phoned for three hours.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the duration of an action. In this case, the action of George phoning lasted for three hours.
4. I stayed in Rome while she was on holiday.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of staying in Rome is happening at the same time as the action of her being on holiday.
5. Sally wrote a lot of letters for the lesson.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the purpose or reason for an action. In this case, Sally wrote a lot of letters with the purpose being for the lesson.
6. The students looked very bored during the three hours.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is the three hours, and the action is the students looking bored.
7. I fell out of bed while I was asleep.
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of falling out of bed is happening at the same time as the action of being asleep.
8. Yesterday evening I watched TV for the day.
Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the duration of an action. In this case, the action of watching TV lasted for the day.
9. I don't usually watch TV during dinner.
Explanation: "During" is used to indicate a period of time in which something happened. In this case, the period of time is dinner, and the action is watching TV.
10. Do you ever watch TV while you are having dinner?
Explanation: "While" is used to indicate an action happening at the same time as another action. In this case, the action of watching TV is happening at the same time as the action of having dinner.