In my house i have my own room. It is not that big, but I like it! I have a closet with my clothes and things. Next, I have my bed it is very comfy! I also have a desk and a bookshelf. I also have a TV, it is next to my bed. On my bedroom wall I have a lots of posters! But, the best thing is my window! it has a beautiful view. I like my bedroom.
В моєму домі в мене є моя власна кімната. Вона не така вже й велика, але вона подобається! Я маю шафу з моїм одягом та речами. Далі, в мене є дуже зручне ліжко! Також я маю стіл та книжкову шафу. Також в мене є телевізор, він знаходиться перед моїм ліжком. На стінах моєї спальної кімнати є багато постерів! Але, найкраща річ це моє вікно! Звідти є красивий краєвид. Мені подобається моя спальна кімната.
1.because they understand that good health is above wealth.
2.if you do exercises you will be fit.You won't be fat.
3. You should eat healthy food and do more exercises. Also you must eat fruit and vegetables. They contain nutrients.
4. Some people do sport like a hobby. They take part in competitions and win medals, but some people for example run every day to be fit, it's part of their life.
5.No, we usually don't do sport.
6.It can help you to be strong, fit and skinny.
7. smoking, it's one of the most dangerouse habits, it can pollute your lungs.
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