ответ:My perfect day would contain lots of physical activities and having fun with friends. In my opinion having fun with friends would bring your mood up and make your day seem much quicker. I like starting my day with a healthy breakfast and cup of warm coffee. I try making my healthy breakfasts very delicious and very nicely visual for an eye which not only is healthy but also very appetising. Sometimes i start my day with running in the park which is very healthy and fun. Throughout my perfect day i try not to get irradiated or annoyed because that brings my mood down for the rest of the day which isn't very healthy. At the end of the day i like to reword myself for a hard day with a nice piece of chocolate with a black or mint tea. For my perfect day to finish i try to go to bed at nine o'clock which sometimes is hard but it is very healthy and has a good impact on my mental system.Overall my perfect day is very simple but fun. And i believe every person needs to have their own perfect day for life to seem more fun as we only have one life.
1. The chief fire officer said that he didn't think that the forest fire could spread to the nearby houses.
2. He said that the not dry weather had caused the fire.
3. He also said that people needed to be careful about
lighting fires during the summer months.
4. Local residents said that children had cried because the fire was close to the town.
5. They also said that everyone had been upset about the environmental damage to the countryside.
6. A climate change scientist said the problem of forest fires will could get much worse in the future.
7. She said that the government promised to try to solve the problem of global warming but she thought that they was trying very hard at the moment.
8. The minister for the environment said the government did everything it could at the moment to stop global warming.