Объяснение: Я все верно решил, как и сказанно в самом задании. Если не сложно, отметь мой ответ лучшим :) Желаю улачи!
One day, my friends and I decices to go for a walk in the forest.We were all having a good time.We walked in the forest for a few hours and them went home.Then everything was very dark and foggy.We were walking home and suddenly I heard strange sounds.I turned and could`nt believe my eyes.A creature near the tree.My friends noticed it too and we run.When I turned to see the creature again, to my surprise, it was gone.Since then, I don`t walk in the forest when it`s dark.
Объяснение:Ось!Це про похід у ліс в минулому часі
1 Has Helen left?
2 Has your sister fell ill?
3 Has your brother gone to bed?
4 Has Father locked the door?
5 Has Mother made the dinner?
6 Have you been in Morocco? I have been in Morocco.
7 Has your mother taken the photos? My mother has taken the photos.
8 Have they written the essay? They have written the essay.