Объясните вот есть глаголы-исключения, которые не видоизменяются от времени. А в какой форме их тогда писать? 6. A: This dress doesn't fit me any more. B: Why don't you buy a new one? 7. A: Your perfume smells nice. What is it? B: It's a new perfume called Sunshine. 8. A: What is Jane doing? B: She is smelling the flowers in the garden. (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС) 9. A: What are you looking at? (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС) B: Some photos I took during my holidays. They aren't very good, though. 10. A: You look very pretty today. B: Thank you. I' ve just had my hair cut. 16. A: He is very quiet today, isn't he? (неправильный глагол, с местоимением he берем is - такое правило) B: Yes, I think he has some problems. 17. A: Would you like some cherries? B: Yes, please. I love cherries. They're my favourite fruit. 18. A: I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. ( глагол understand не употребляется в Continuous) B: Shall I explain it again? 19. A: The children are making lots of noise today. В: I know, but they are having fun. (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС) 20. A: This cake tastes awful. В: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!
1. Они въезжают на рассвете. - They are arriving at dawn. 2. Какая прекрасная картина! - What a beautiful picture! 3. Я живу в Москве. Москва столица Российской Федерации. - I live in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 4. Кристина – врач. Она педиатр в городской больнице. – Christina is a doctor. She is a pediatrician at the city hospital. 5. Это самый лучший спектакль, который я когда-либо видел! - This is the best play I have ever seen!
Задание V. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple либо Present Continuous в зависимости от слов-показателей. Например: Она ходит в библиотеку дважды в неделю. дважды в неделю (twice a week) – слово – показатель Present Simple, поэтому: She goes to the library twice a week.
1. По вечерам я часто играю на пианино (слово-показатель often, поэтому Present Simple). - I often play the piano in the evening. 2. Майкл играет в хоккей с друзьями по выходным (слово-показатель on weekends, т.е. каждые выходные, поэтому Present Simple). - Michael with friends plays hockey on weekends. 3. В данный момент дети играют в саду или в комнате? (слово-показатель at the moment, поэтому Present Continuous). - Are children play in the garden or in the room at the moment? 4. Ты должен нести ответственность за свои поступки. (в предложении указывается на то, что следует делать – Present Simple). - You should bear responsibility for your actions.
6. A: This dress doesn't fit me any more.
B: Why don't you buy a new one?
7. A: Your perfume smells nice. What is it?
B: It's a new perfume called Sunshine.
8. A: What is Jane doing?
B: She is smelling the flowers in the garden. (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС)
9. A: What are you looking at? (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС)
B: Some photos I took during my holidays. They aren't very good, though.
10. A: You look very pretty today.
B: Thank you. I' ve just had my hair cut.
16. A: He is very quiet today, isn't he? (неправильный глагол, с местоимением he берем is - такое правило)
B: Yes, I think he has some problems.
17. A: Would you like some cherries?
B: Yes, please. I love cherries. They're my favourite fruit.
18. A: I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. ( глагол understand не употребляется в Continuous)
B: Shall I explain it again?
19. A: The children are making lots of noise today.
В: I know, but they are having fun. (действие происходит СЕЙЧАС)
20. A: This cake tastes awful.
В: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!