Меня часто приглашали в театр.
Он часто видел там.
Я часто с моей работой.
Она нравится всем.
Tom предложили интересную работу.
10. They will stay at home tomorrow. 11. What are you doing now? I see that you are not reading. 12. When will you finish your homework? It is very late, it is time to go to bed. 13. How do you usually spend evenings? 14. What will you do in the country next summer? 15. They are not drinking tea now. I think they are watching TV. 16. What does your father drink in the evening? 17. When do you get up every day? - I get up at seven o’clock. 18. My brother usually don’t get up at seven o’clock. As a rule, he gets up at six o’clock, but tomorrow he will get up at seven o’clock. 19. Why will she come home so late tomorrow? 20. We will go to the country the day after tomorrow. 21. Our friends always go to the country for the weekend. 22. Look! The kitten is playing with its tail. 23. Are your parents watching TV now? 24. My sister is not resting now. She is helping mother in the kitchen. She helps mother in the kitchen every day.
ответ: 26.11.2020
(откуда ты?Moskow, Russia)
Dear Sarah,
I didn't write for a long time because I was on vacation in London let me tell you all about it.
My family and I went to visit London two weeks ago and it was such an amazing experience. I would like to tell you about my travelling that was really magical. At first we visited Big Ben one of London’s famous landmarks and then we saw Westminster Abbey. As you know it was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place here. Famous English people are buried here. It’s an amazing place.
Unfortunately, while walking along Piccadilly Street, I saw several police cars. a suspicious person was detained there. He wanted to steal the woman's bag, but nothing happened. You have to be very careful in London!
Would you like to visit London? why?
имя твоё
Меня часто приглашают в театр.
Его часто видели там.
Мне часто с моей работой.
Она понравилась всем.
Тому предложили интересную работу.