Magazine is one of the major mass media. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. It usually contains illustrations. In comparison to newspapers magazines are printed on a better paper and have covers. There are specialized magazines and consumer magazines. Specialized magazines are made for professional groups of people. Consumer magazines are for general public. There are several kinds of consumer magazines: children's, hobby, men's, women's and intellectual magazines. I like reading about different countries so my favorite consumer magazine is National Geographic. I'm interested in this particular magazine because it contains really good illustrations.
The problem child is the child who is presseredinto obedience and persuaded through fear.
Only hate can flourish in the atmosphere of fear.
2 child- children
Treatment- treatments
Home- homes
Problem- problems
Obedience- obediences
Fear- fears
Hate- hates
Atmosphere - atmospheres
3 difficult- more difficult- the most difficult
Wrong- wronger - the wrongest
4 is made- present simple passive voice
Is-present simple active
Is pressured- present simple passive voice
Is persuaded- present simple passive voice
Can- modal verb present simple active
Flourish- infinitive
5 is a difficult child always made difficult by wrong treatment at home?
Why is a difficult child always make difficult by wrong treatment at home?
A difficult child is not always made difficult by wrong treatment at home.
Who is the problem child?
The problem child is not the child who is pressured into obedience and persuated through fear.
What can flourish in the atmosphere of fear?
Hate can't flourish in the atmosphere of fear.