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19.10.2020 06:03 •  Английский язык

2 Complete the key phrases. Then look at the model text and check your answers.
KEY PHRASES O Talking about a
holiday place
How are ?__?
We're in a place called
It's very 3_ here.
I prefer to go there 4

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TEACHER - mentor, teacher; professor; educator. (DAL) Teacher - a person engaged in the teaching of n. subject in the lower and middle school, teacher, school employee. (Ushakov) Teacher - a person employed teaching children in high school. Teacher - an employee of the university, college, rarely used in reference to an employee of the school. Teacher - not only the teacher or teacher, but also an educator. (Synonym dictionary) TEACHER. Oznachennoye word is sometimes used instead of a Jewish Rabbi, or Chaldean. In this and other similar cases, it is the spiritual leader. It is used so often in the sense of an ordinary teacher. (Bible Encyclopedia) So, from the above it follows that the concept of teacher widespread and versatile. In my view, the perfect teacher - a true Russian intellectual (in the best sense of the word), a smart, slim, well-educated, broad-minded, bright personality and creative, open-minded person with a great sense of humor. This is - this humanist basis of ideology which are universal values. This one-piece deep personality, a man crystal honest and extremely honest, sincere and principled, having an active life and citizenship. In my opinion the human qualities are paramount for teachers, as they determine human behavior in society, his attitude to the world and to the profession. Accordingly, honest, decent and creative person with active citizenship is and knowledgeable teacher, and a great Methodist, and beautiful psychologist, principled and fair. I believe that the ideal teacher should certainly have any creative hobbies (painting, literature, sports, music, programming, etc.), To engage in socially useful or scientific activities. Only genuinely enthusiastic person can inspire another. For example, VA Zhukovsky, known and recognized poet, at the same time was a teacher in the royal family, the great Russian writer Leo Thick as a teacher in a rural school, and MV Lomonosov combined scientific and creative work in various fields of science and teaching. That is why the teacher's activity is not related to its direct work, supports and develops its intellectual potential, provides further creative growth and broaden their horizons. At preschool age I was lucky enough to meet the unique teacher, children's writer and a wonderful man Tatiana Rick. Acquaintance began with the first books I read on their own "Hello, Uncle verb" from "Funny textbooks." The book was so exciting that I wanted to continue the acquaintance with the other parts of speech, but in the free sale of books was not there. Then my grandmother wrote a letter to the author, and, surprisingly, Tatiana called and invited to come to visit for books. So took our personal acquaintance with this amazing, young and very pretty woman. Tatiana - a simple man of destiny, is a serious disease, but, thanks to the active position in life, traveling the world, meeting with readers, is a teacher of Russian language in schools for the disabled (remote-remote education), writes books, makes them illustrations, educates young son. Rick T. wonderful books written entertaining, fun and easy, magically helped me learn quickly and independently read, write competently, awakened love for the Russian language and literature. It is difficult not to agree with the words of AS Makarenko: "Brings all: people, things, events, but first and longest - people. Of these, the first place - parents and teachers." School years - the most important period in the life of every human being. This time, not only gaining knowledge and skills, but also an important stage in the formation and development of the individual, the disclosure of its creative potential, self-awareness, in collaboration with the community. Personality of the teacher in matters of education plays a crucial role. Ideal teacher - a friend, a senior fellow, genuinely interested in the fate of wards: knows not only the features of the nature and problems of the student, but also aware of his life circumstances, has close contact with parents. In my opinion, the main task of the teacher - not just pass a certain amount of knowledge of the student, and to learn to think, that is, to search for answers to questions, make unconventional decisions, find compromises. The way to achieve this goal the ideal teacher is able to turn into a fascinating journey through the country of knowledge, to show the connection between the spiritual and the material, ancient and ultra-modern, real and imaginary. Recently, the state pays great attention to the modernization of the school, which is certainly fine. However, no technical equipment the school will never be able to replace important in the learning process - the teacher-mentors. The more ideal teachers, more perfect, more educated, intelligent and humane our society will become. Remarkably said LN Tolstoy: "And education, and education are inseparable. We can not educate without transferring knowledge, the knowledge of all valid educational."
4,5(61 оценок)
What are your strengths?

Каковы ваши сильные стороны?

What are your weaknesses?

Каковы ваши слабые стороны?

Why are you interested in working for [company name]?

Почему вас интересует работа в компании [название]?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Где вы видите себя через 5 лет? 10 лет?

Why do you want to leave your current company?

Почему вы хотите уйти из компании, в которой вы работаете в данный момент?

Why was there a gap in your employment between [date] and [date]?

Чем объясняется пробел в вашей карьере в период с [дата] по [дата]?

What can you offer us that someone else can not?

Что уникального нам можете предложить вы в отличие от других кандидатов?

What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?

Назовите три качества, которые ваш предыдущий руководитель посоветовал бы вам исправить.

Are you willing to relocate?

Вы готовы к переезду?

Are you willing to travel?

Вы готовы к командировкам?

Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

Расскажите о достижениях, которыми вы гордитесь больше всего.

Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

Расскажите мне о случае в жизни, когда вы сделали ошибку.

What is your dream job?

Какова работа вашей мечты?

How did you hear about this position?

Откуда вы узнали об этой вакансии?

What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job?

Что бы вы хотели реализовать в первые 30 дней/60 дней/90 дней на работе?

Discuss your resume.

Обсудим ваше резюме.

Discuss your educational background.

Расскажите о вашем образовании.

Describe yourself.

Опишите себя.

Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.

Опишите случай, когда вы успешно справились с трудностями.

Why should we hire you?

Почему мы должны вас нанять?

Why are you looking for a new job?

Почему вы ищете новую работу?

Would you work holidays/weekends?

Согласны ли вы работать по праздникам/выходным?

How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?

Как бы вы вели себя с раздраженным клиентом?

What are your salary requirements?

Каковы ваши требования относительно зарплаты?

Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.

Приведите пример случая, когда вы сделали больше, чем требовалось по проекту.

Who are our competitors?

Назовите наших конкурентов.

What was your biggest failure?

Назовите свою самую серьезную ошибку.

What motivates you?

Что вас мотивирует/вдохновляет?

What’s your availability?

Когда вы можете приступить к своим обязанностям?

Who’s your mentor?

Кто ваш учитель? (наставник, пример для подражания)

Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.

Опишите случай, когда вы были несогласны с вашим начальником.

How do you handle pressure?

Как вы переносите стресс?

What is the name of our CEO?

Как зовут нашего CEO (Chief Executive Officer — президент компании)?

What are your career goals?

Каковы ваши карьерные цели?

What gets you up in the morning?

Что вас будит по утрам?

What would your direct reports say about you?

Что бы сказали о вас непосредственные подчиненные?

What were your bosses’ strengths/weaknesses?

Каковы были достоинства и недостатки вашего начальника?

If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say?

Если бы я позвонил вашему начальнику прямо сейчас и спросил его, в какой области вам еще нужно развиваться, что бы он ответил?

Are you a leader or a follower?

Вы ведущий или ведомый?

What was the last book you’ve read for fun?

Назовите последнюю книгу, которую вы прочитали не по работе.

What are your co-worker pet peeves?

Что вас больше всего раздражает в ваших сотрудниках?

What are your hobbies?

Расскажите о вашем хобби.

Как рассказать о хобби, читайте в нашей статье

What is your favorite website?

Назовите свой любимый веб-сайт.

What makes you uncomfortable?

Что вызывает у вас тревогу, беспокойство?

What are some of your leadership experiences?

Был ли у вас опыт руководства?

How would you fire someone?

Как бы вы подошли к вопросу увольнения подчиненного?

What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?

Если говорить о работе в данной отрасли, что вам нравится больше всего и меньше всего?

Would you work 40+ hours a week?

Согласны ли вы уделять работе более 40 часов в неделю?

What questions haven’t I asked you?

Какие вопросы я вам не задал?

What questions do you have for me?

Какие вопросы хотите задать мне вы?

Действительно, вы также можете задать вашему интервьюеру несколько вопросов, например:

If you were to offer me the job, how soon would you want me to start?

Если бы вы собирались предложить мне работу, как скоро я был бы должен приступить?

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