Say if the statements below are true or false. Correct the false statements. 1. The Internet is the largest Local Area Network (LAN) in the world.
2. The Internet backbone is one large central network.
3. To get access to the Internet, each end-user chooses a Network Service
4. Internet Service Providers peer with each other to exchange packet
5. ISPs buy bandwidth from larger networks.
6. The job of a router is to direct packet traffic.
7. The router address table contains the IP addresses on the higher levels
in the hierarchy.
8. If the router finds the network containing the required IP address, it
sends the packet on a default route.
9. The NSPs’ routers always ‘know’ where to send a packet.
10.A packet usually first travels ‘down’ the hierarchy, then ‘up.’
ES of any type in its development are four typical stages (phases).The first is the stage of accumulation of deviations from the normal state or process. In other words, this is the stage of the emergence of ES, which can last for days, months, sometimes - years and decades, and in the case of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - a century.
The second is the initiation of an emergency event, which is the basis of the ES.The third is the process of an emergency event, during which the release of risk factors (energy or substance) that adversely affects the population, facilities and the environment.The fourth is the stage of attenuation (by the action of residual factors and prevailing emergency conditions), which chronologically covers the period from the overlap (restriction) of the source of danger-the localization of an emergency situation, to the complete elimination of its direct and indirect consequences, including the entire chain of secondary, tertiary, etc. consequences. This phase for some ES may start on time even before the completion of the third phase. The duration of this stage can be years, or even decades.