233 Look at the key phrases. Which phrases can you complete with a job? Which phrases can you complete with
a word in exercise 3? Listen and check.
KEY PHRASES O Talking about jobs
1 I want to be a/an
2 He/She is a /an
3 I think being a/anis -
4 It's a /an - job.
5 A/An - works in a /an hospital / garage/café /
Mr Meeks said that there was no use in sending an advertising to his sister because she could not read.
It was ni use arguing with the detective, as he was so silly.
There was no use in waiting for Mary S. in that crowded district, as she didn't live there any longer.
It was no use in addressing that detective, because he demanded so much money for solving mysteries and crimes.
What's the use of employing such a detective if he hardly fits his job?
What's the use of waiting till the spring if we can solve the problem in no time?
what's the use of spending so much money on the detective if we can employ a cheaper one?