посмотри на фото и где показывают: льва, мышь, кентавра и волка.
1. If he saw me now he might not recognize me. 2. I would be happier if I lived in the country. 3. You could write a book if you wanted to. 4. If I found a taxi right now I might be on time. 5. If they were rich they would travel round the world. 6. He might not be so miserable if he didn`t work so hard. 7. If we took time off work we could go away. 8. If she didn`t moan so much people might like her better.
1) would have won the game; 2) had followed the direction; 3) would have had nothing to eat; 4) had jumped on; 5) would have been able to call us; 6) would have taken so long; 7) hadn`t liked your present; 8) had checked my essay
lion - лев
a mouse - мышка
a centaur - кентавр
a minotaur - минотавр
a wolf - волк
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