There are many different ways, here are a few of them:
1. Hang your clothes to air dry, instead of using the tumble dryer.
2. Use your laptop more often than your desktop computer.
3. Use LED bulbs.
4. Charge your devices before bed.
5. Delete unnecessary files from cloud storage
Есть много разных , вот несколько из них:
1. Повесьте одежду для сушки на воздухе, вместо использования сушильной машины.
2. Пользуйтесь ноутбуком чаще, чем настольным компьютером.
3. Используйте светодиодные лампы.
4. Заряжайте свои устройства перед сном.
5. Удалите ненужные файлы из облачного хранилища
Peter was staying at a seaside hotel on holiday when he met his friend.
While I was having lunch the sun came out again.
Who were you talking to on the telephone when I came?
When Mary was reading the letter she noticed many spelling mistakes.
She was going to bed when suddenly she saw a mouse.
We were sitting down to dinner when the door bell rang.
Mary’s grandfather hurt his back while he was digging in the vegetable garden yesterday.
While he was sleeping, the doctor arrived.
What was she wearing when you saw her at the party?
What did she want when she visited you yesterday?
Somebody knocked on the front door as I had breakfast.
How much money did you spend last Christmas?
My father gave me money and I spent it all in one day.
Peter was not feeling very well, so he consulted his doctor.
Where were you living this time last year?
Peter didn't look at me as he was speaking.
When the ambulance arrived the patient was sleeping like a child.
I was reading when he called.
They were waiting for the bus when I saw them.
What were you doing when you saw them?