I. 1. The shoemaker made the boots for the Cat. 2. The cat put vegetables and a piece of bread into the bag. 3. The Cta caught the rabbit and partridges. 4. The King received the gifts with pleasure. 5. The Cat enjoyed the meal in the kitchen of the King's palace.
II. 1 - 2 2 - 1 3 - 4 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 3
III. 1. ... he wanted to order a fine pair of very small boots. 2. ... he had no hands. 3. ... he was foolish and thought that the cat was dead. 4. ... his majesty was very please with the gifts received from the Cat.
IV. 1 - coin 2 - visitor 3 - wheat 4 - message
V The Cat lay down pretending to be dead. He held his bag open hoping that a rabbit and partridges get inside his bag. I think the cat was very cunning and clever. He knew what to do and he succeeded.
VI 1. If I was a King I would be extremely surprised to hear that some cat wants to see me. I would be more surprised if I saw a cat in boots. Besides this the Cat could talk and brought me gifts. So, I would think that he is the cleverest cat I have ever seen and his master is a generous and very rich person. I would be grateful for his gifts and attention and of course would like to meet him personally. 2. The first present was unexpected. But the second one was a relly huge surprise. The Cat brought me two partridges. It's more than one rabbit last time. It means that the Cat's master respects me a lot and wants to express this deep respect. I like both gifts and can't even choose which one is better. So, to thank the Cat I decided to send him to the kitchen where he got the bast food and drinks from my own cooks.
VII. 1. For my last birthday I have got a new iPhone. It is a cool present, I liked it a lot. I still use my iPhone and it helps me a lot in my everyday life. 2. I give different presents to other. It depends on what persons they are, what they like and how close to each other we are. If it is my closest friend I can present something funny. But usually I try to present useful things. It is really hard to find a good present now because people usually have everything they need. But still I think that a book is the best present. There are a lot of modern writers now whose books are interesting and worth to read. So, I read them myself and give to my friends as a present.
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