I insist that you do your homework. You ___ must do your homework.
2. Will you let me speak to David, please? ___May I speak to David,
3. Talking is not permitted during the test. You _can talk during the
4. It isn’t possible for him to come to the party. He _may come to the
5. It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo. You _can feed the
animals in the Zoo.
6. Would you mind if I read your book? May___ I read your book?
7. Perhaps they’ll come with us. They ___must come with us.
8. Would you mind if I use your glasses? May I use your glasses?
9. Perhaps, she will phone them today. She ___must phone them today.
10. Perhaps, she is asleep now. She must be asleep now.
11. I don’t want anyone to know it. You __can tell anyone.
12. Listen! I __can hear someone crying.
13. You___can___ be a member of the library before you can borrow books.
14. I see your passport, please?
15. Don’t tell anybody what I said. You __must___ keep it secret.
Я счачтлив, что Вы мой учитель,
Я наслаждаюсь каждым Вашим уроком
Как моя роль модели вдохновляет Вас
Мечтаю, работаю и богатею.
С вашей добротой вы привлекли мое внимание;
Каждый день вы сажаете семена
Из любопытства и мотивации
Знать и расти и преуспевать.
Вы мне выполнить мой потенциал;
Я благодарен за все, что вы сделали.
Я восхищаюсь вами каждый день, и я просто хочу сказать,
Как учитель, вы номер один!