1) The territory of the United Kingdom is about 666, 000 square km
2)The capital of the United Kingdom is Moscow.
3)The northern and the western parts of the country are called the Lowlands.
4) The wettest part of Great Britain is called the Red Square.
5)Many cities are situated on the rivers: Cambridge is on the Avon, Stradford-upon-Avon is on the river Cam
6) The winters are cold and the summers are hot.
7)Great Britain is a country of nano technologies.
1)What's the population of the United Kingdom?
2)Which parts do British Isles consist of?:)
3)Which mountains can we see in the west?
4)What's number of lakes in the mountain?
5)What's the longest river in the GB?
6)What's the climate of Great Britain?
7)Who limited the power of the queen?
Ключевые слова: Небеса; ценность, удар; Средний мир:
Смотри, тепло; время идет, летит.
Послушайте еще раз и завершите что
в народе говорили о счастье
У меня есть трехлетний мальчик и пятилетняя девочка.
девушка и они
ко мне.
2 я люблю смотреть на
о народе
лица, когда они их едят. Это делает меня ноги
3 зная, что вся эта тяжелая работа была
оно. Ты не можешь
Просто лежал там, нежась в воде.
- может быть, с хорошим компакт-диском, играющим в
Предыстория - это
5 я не знаю где
с ними. Это просто
6 мне это нравится. Я просто теряюсь в этом мире. Это гонорар
Составить 7 неправильных утверждений:
1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the Ireland Island.
2) It consists of three parts: England, Scotland, Wales.
3) England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the southern part of Ireland.
4) The southern and the western parts of the country are called the Highlands.
5) The shortest river is the Severn , the Themes where London is situated is rather deep and wide. Many cities are situated on the rivers: Cambridge is on the Cam, Stradford-upon-Avon is on the river Avon.
6) The mountains, the Atlantic ocean and the cold waters of the Gulf Stream influenced the climate of Great Britain.
7) The United Kingdom is a monarchy but the power of the queen isn't limited by Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Составить 7 вопросов к тексту:
1) Is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated on the British Isles?
2) What is the territory of the United Kingdom?
3) What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
4) The northern and the western parts of the country are called the Highlands, aren't they?
5) Where can we see the Cambrian mountains , occupying the greater part of Wales?
6) What is the longest river of the country?
7) What cities are situated on the rivers?
8) Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country? 9) The main branches of industry are electronics, machinery and shipbuilding, aren't they?