Первое задание:
2. taught;
3. sold;
4. drank;
5. won;
6. fell, hurt;
7. threw, caught;
8. spent, bought, cost.
Второе задание:
2. Did you go alone?;
3. Was food good? (Хотя, по идее, должно писаться с определённым артиклем "the".);
4. How long did you stay there?;
5. Did you stay at a hotel?;
6. How did you travel?;
7. Was the weather fine?;
8. What did you do in the evenings?;
9. Did you meet anybody interesting?
Третье задание:
3. didn't disturb;
4. went;
5. didn't sleep;
6. didn't eat;
7. wasn't;
8. laughed;
9. flew;
10. didn't cost;
11. didn't have;
12. was.
Hi, cveryone! My name is Olga, and I'm graduating from school this year. As for many tocnagers, the choice of future career is a rcal challenge for me. There are s50 many jobs, so it's rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I'm firmly convinced that the choice of future carcer is essential, and I don't want to regret it for the rest of my life. So I have been thinking aboul il lor a long Lime. have discussed it many limes wilh my parents and closest Iriends, bul I'm slill a bit confused. Firsly, I had a wish lo do somelhing I am keen on. I suppose lurning your hobby into your fulure job is a greal way one can become a Successful specialist. I Lhink I'm nol bad al writing stories. absolulely adore il! I can spend evenings Lhinking about the characters and the plol of my stories. I'm also fond of making illustralions to therm. In addition, all| Lhe process of story making is very enjoyable Lo me. That's why I firmly believe thal working as a wriler is the best variant for me. The only problem is that my parents totally disagree with me. They say it's not the right way to make money and it's just my childish dream. They think I must be realistic and force me to become a programmer. I love computers and I spend quite a lot of time sitting in front of one, but programming is a completely different thing. I'm attending a programming course at the moment, so I can see it's not someching I'd really want to do. Thus, I hope l'll be able to make the right choicc, but for now future career is still an open issuc.
1) Yes, I do
2) I usually listen to music
3) I don't have my favourite band
4) Yes, I do
5) Yes, I do, but not often!