Is Your brother a student now? - Yes, he studies at the University.
Ann plays the piano better than Susan. And who is playing now? - I think it is Susan. Present Continuous: действие происходит в данный момент
She often takes my dictionary but seldom remembers to bring it back. If tomorrow she asks for the dictionary again, I shan't give it to her.
What a beautiful dress you are wearing.' When did you buy it?
He is a night watchman. He works at night and sleeps in the daytime.
They say if you see a black cat, you do not have good luck.
If Peter continues to drive his car carelessly, he'll get into a traffic accident
Have you heard about Tom? He is building a new house now.
If I have some time in the evening, I'll repair your bicycle.
She is giving two concerts inLondon next week.
Why are you smelling the meat? Isn't It fresh?
He's a doctor, but he is not practising at the moment.
Do you believe in God?
You are always complaining about the weather!
I'm afraid you can't see my daughter at the moment. She is having a music lesson. She always has it on Friday mornings.
She is still ill, but she is getting better now.
It often rains here at this time of the year?
She is always letting me down!
Don't interrupt me while I am talking to somebody else.
What is he doing! - He is trying to get the car started.
Where do you come from?- I come from Russia.
Flowers always make a good present.
What does he mean by saying this? It sounds strange.
I write to my parents twice a month.
This carpet costs 30 dollars. Why not buy it?
I am writing this letter to you while the children are playing on the beach. Actually, they are playing here the whole day.
If we start at nine, we will have plenty of time for the shops. We will be free till half past four.
They always tell him everything. So I think, he knows about it already.
She is always late for classes!
Present Simple используется 1) когда мы хотим сказать о действиях, которые происходят регулярно/вообще: Ann plays the piano better than Susan.
2) в придаточных условия и времени: If I have some time in the evening,...
Слова-подсказки: always, usually, sometimes, often, seldom, never, every day/week/month/year...
Present Continuous используется: 1) когда мы хотим сказать о действии, которое происходит в данный момент: She is having a music lesson.
2) запланированное действие; 3) для выражения раздражения, возмущения: She is always late for classes!
Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) - это такая конструкция, которая используется для перевода предложений типа - Если бы ..., то ...
Обозначает воображаемое действие, которое невозможно (вообще или в данной ситуации).
Бывает двух типов:
- если ситуация в настоящем или будущем
If I knew her telephone number I would phone her. - Если бы я знал ее номер телефона, я бы ей позвонил. (но я его не знаю и позвонить сейчас не могу)
If 2 форма глагола ... would V
- если ситуация в
If I had know her telephone number yesterday I would have phoned her. - Если бы я знал ее номер телефона вчера, я бы ей позвонил. (но я его не знал и позвонить вчера не мог)
If ... had+3 форма глагола ... would have+3 форма гл.
Сослагательное наклонение также используется для выражения сожаления:
I wish I were President. - Жаль, что я не президент = Я бы хотел быть президентом (ситуация в настоящем)
I wish you were (Past Simple) here. - Жаль, что тебя здесь нет = Я бы хотел, чтобы ты была здесь. (ситуация в настоящем)
I wish you had been (Past Perfect) with us yesterday. The party was marvellous! - Жаль, что тебя с нами не было вчера = Я бы хотел, чтобы ты был с нами вчера. (ситуация в