1. The farmers are harvesting (причастие - часть сказуемого) sugar beet now. 2. Using (причастие - обстоятельство) the improved cultural practices the farmers obtain more grain per hectare. 3. Different forage crops are grown for feeding (герундий - предложное дополнение) farm animals. 4. Sowing (герундий - подлежащее) spring wheat in our region should be done in May. 5. Sowing (причастие - обстоятельство) wheat, one should use high quality seed. 6. Preparing (причастие - обстоятельство) the soil for planting potatoes farmers of our collective farm used new tractors. 7. The soil and climatic conditions should be favourable for the developing (герундий - предложное дополнение) of corn plants. 8. We know of their producing (герундий - дополнение) high yields of potatoes every year. 9. This type of soil is well adapted to potato growing (герундий - дополнение). 1. Фермеры сейчас собирают сахарную свеклу. 2. Используя улучшенные культурные традиции, фермеры получают больше зерна с гектара. 3. Различные кормовые культуры выращиваются для кормления сельскохозяйственных животных. 4. Посев яровой пшеницы в нашем регионе должен быть проведен в мае. 5. Высевая пшеницу, следует использовать высококачественные семена. 6. При подготовке почвы для посадки картофеля, фермеры нашего колхоза использовали новые тракторы. 7. Почвенные и климатические условия должны быть благоприятными для выращивания кукурузы. 8. Мы знаем, что они ежегодно получают высокие урожаи картофеля. 9. Этот тип почвы хорошо при для выращивания картофеля.
Dima and Anya went by bus to the camp. They met new friends and began to communicate, but soon everyone was quiet and engaged in their own affairs. Anya remembered her friends. She has the best friend Natasha. They did not get along at once. Natasha was a very smart and good girl, she often helped Ana. At the break Natasha was sitting alone and eating her sandwich. Some girls giggled at Natasha that she was eating such a sandwich. Ana was ashamed that she also laughed at her. One day Ania drew a wall newspaper class. She was supposed to portray everyone as funny and it happened, even Natasha laughed. The next day, Anya came to the classroom first and saw that someone had painted nasty Natasha and Anya immediately began to correct, but Natasha came in and thought that Anja had done it. The next day Natasha did not come to the classroom and Anya called her. Anya explained everything and Natasha understood everything. And then Anya realized that Natasha was her best friend. And then Ani's thoughts broke off and the bus arrived at the Pineland camp.
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