5 YOUR OPINIONS Ask and answer the questions. 1 What actions against supermarkets does the text suggest? Do you think they are likely to be effective? 2 Which piece of information in the text shocks you most? 3 Could you be a freegan? Why/Why not? 4 How much food do your family and friends throw away? Why? 5 How do you feel about eating fruit and vegetables that are not perfect? Why?
-Hello. mr. Ronaldo. nice to meet you. I'm happy to see you in my ball shop.-Thanks a lot.- Do you want vine a little? We have the best vine ever.-Yes, thanks. Please tell me about your balls. I heard a lot of recall from my friends and decided to buy a ball to my son here.- Yes, you did a good choice. I have a great experience. I work with a lot of football clubs in Englandand America. They buy nearly 3000 ball a year. Everyone Knows my balls. - Really? are you take a special order?-Yes. For example last year i visited Spain and sewed a great ball for the trainer of Futbol Club Barcelona. The players decided to present him something special and called me. My trip was great. I liked more than 2 years ago in Russia. Was cold and i was sick. - It is very interesting. how long are you doing this?-Oh, maybe 5 years. I was a teacher 6 years ago. But one day i woke up and decided to change my life. I liked to sew and i was a big fan of football. yes, it is strange a little, but i decided to connect two my passion. and i did it. I became a famous sellet of good balls. And even you hears about me))-Yes. You are a good cook too. it is so yummy) thanks for your hospitality. I will buy two balls. for my son and my friend Zidan. he will be happy)
2.Верхнее предложение переводится как ловить рыбу,значит она относится к правой картинке; а нижнее к левой.
3. Верхнее предложение относится к левой картинке ( он он занимался спортом (бегал)); а нижнее к правой.
4. Верхняя тоже к левой картинке ( Переводится как они ходили в горы, а нижние предложение к правой картинке.
5. Верхняя предложение к левевой в картинке,а нижнее к правой ( первое предложение переводится как : Она ходила в парикмахерскую)
В каждом предложении есть такие слова : been - был;
gone - ходил.