1) when did Walt create his most famous character Mickey Mouse? 2) who created Mickey Mouse? 3) Walt created Michey Mouse in 1928, didn’t he? 4) Did Walt create his character Mickey in 1928 or 1930?
Привет. Меня зовут - Елена. Я каждый день стараюсь интересно провести время. Например вчера я с пользой провела день. Я прочитала очень занимательную книгу маме с домашними заботами. А еще, вчера я присматривала за своей младшей сестрой. Мы гуляли в парке, играли в снежки, строили снеговика. Это было весело! Мне надолго запомнится этот день.
Hi. My name is Elena. Every day I try to have fun. For example, yesterday I spent the day. I read a really interesting book, helped my mom with household chores. And yet, yesterday I was Babysitting for her younger sister. We were walking in the Park, playing snowballs, building a snowman. It's been fun! I will long remember this day.
Yesterday I got up at 7 o'clock. First I did my morning exercises and then I had a shower and brushed my teeth. As for my breakfast, I ate a cereal and a cup of tea. When I was ready to go to school, I checked my personal money and went out of home. I got to school by bus. Yesterday we had 6 (7?8?) lessons, so I came back home rather early. Then, I ate my brunch and started to do my homework. I did Maths, Geography, Biology and, of course, my favourite (здесь впиши имя своей учительницы, так будет интереснее) English. After that, I spend a little tiime searching the internet. Later I had a dinner, and went to bed at 10 o'clock.
Who created the famous persona Mickey Mouse?
when the wolf created the famous character Mickey Mouse
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