Задание № 1: Complete the following sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct simple tense. Use the full forms of the auxiliary verbs (write "will", not " `ll").
1) Joe
(feel) ill after he had his lunch.
2) Wait! She
(drive) you to the station.
3) Scarlett
(watch) a new film every week.
4) The students
(stand) up when the teacher entered the room.
5) The flight
(leave) at 6:55. Don't miss it.
6) It was cold, so I
(wear) two pullovers.
7) My ski instructor believes it
(snow) in the mountains tomorrow evening.
8) Listen! There's someone at the door. I
(open) the door for you.
9) She
(take) me to the shopping centre where we had lots of fun.
10) Overnight he
(become) a celebrity in our neighborhood.
Перепеши код на этот:
m, h = map(int, input("-").split('-'))
t, h = map(int, input("*").split('*'))
c, d = map(int, input("/").split('/'))
k, p = map(int, input("+").split('+'))
print(k, '+', p, '=', p+k, end= '\n');
print(m, '-', h,'=', m-h, end='\n');
print(t, '*', h, '=', t*h, end='\n');
print(c, '/', d,'=',c/d)
Сначала вводишь две цифры, к-е нужно вычесть, например: 3-2 (так и пиши при запуске. С тире). Затем так же с умножением, делением, прибавлением. В конце программа тебе вычислит все, что ты ей дал.