10. Match the halves. 1. Who 2. Where 3. Which a. charitable activities do you know? b. does she go to the amusement park with? c. are Jane and Tom playing now? d. does cook the meals? e. does build schools for displaced people?
So, my favourite cinematic genre is fantasy. I love it becouse it shows something impossible, but when you see it on the screen it seems more then real. Fantasy films are films with fantastic themes, usually involving magic,supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic fantasy worlds. The most prominent example in the early 21st century is the Harry Potter series of films adapted from the novels of J. K. Rowling. This story can't be called childish, even when it's about magic, mirecles and so on.Harry Potter teaches us to be brave and never give up. Ron teaches us to be loyal. Hermione teaches us that it is normal - to be smart. Fred and George teaches us to laugh even in the darkest of time. This book and movie form our outlook and show right priorities. It is wise and good novels, just as fantasy genre has to be.
Trips help us to learn a lot about the world in which we live. We can meet other cultures, traditions, to try, to see unusual animals, to an exciting experience. Every new journey gives a boost of exciting emotions and memories of the trip for a long time, delight us, even when the journey has come to an end.
Путешествия узнать много нового о мире, в котором мы живем. Мы можем познакомиться с другими культурами, традициями, попробовать интересные блюда, увидеть необычных животных, получить захватывающие впечатления. Каждое новое путешествие дарит заряд потрясающих эмоций, а воспоминания о поездке еще долгое время нас радуют, даже когда путешествие уже подошло к концу.
1. е, b, d
2. c
3. a