1. Bigger
2. More unfriendly
3. Может быть ты имел в виду exciting? Если да, то More exciting
4. Taller
1. We moved to Brighton last year
We ddidnt move to Brighton last year
2. My mom has changed her name when she got married
My mom hasnt changed her name when she got married
3. We stayed at London last Saturday evening
We didnt stay at London last Saturday evening
4. John Logue Baird invented the TV
John Logue Baird didnt invent the TV
5. My dad stoped smoking last month
My dad didnt stop smoking last month
6. My birthday present didnt arrive in the post this morning
My birthday present arrived in the post this morning
Может быть уже поздно,возможно потом кому нибудь пригодится ответ.
ответы с переводом на русский
1. Yenlik was playing football an hour ago.
1. Енлик играл в футбол час назад.
2.They weren't climbing down the mountain at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
2. Вчера в 7 часов вечера они не спускались с горы.
3. She was skiing this time last Saturday.
3. В субботу она каталась на лыжах.
4. Gulfiya and Yerbol were swimming half an hour ago.
4.Гульфия и Ербол полчаса назад купались.
5. It wasn't raining this afternoon.
5.Сегодня днем дождя не было.
6. You weren't sailing at this time last Sunday.
6. Ты не плавал в воскресенье.
Вопросительная форма:
1. May he watch thrillers at night?
2. Have they discussed terms of delivery with their partners?
3. Does she sometimes stay in the office?
4. Will they send me the necessary information tomorrow?
5. Should I join their club?
6. Do you do your morning exercises every day?
7. Were there a ljt of respresentatives of their company?
8. Does your brother take much interest in buisness?
9. Do they meet delegations every month?
10. Have they got a problem with terms of payment?
Отрицательная форма:
1. He may not watch thrillers at night.
2. They haven't discussed terms of delivery with their partners.
3. She doesn't stay in the office sometimes.
4. They will not send you the necessary information tomorrow.
5. You shouldn't join our club.
6. We don't do our morning exercises every day.
7. There weren't a lot of representatives of their company.
8. My brother doesn't take much interest in business.
9. They don't meet delegations every month.
10. They haven't got a problem with