Hello! My name is . I am 11 years old. I live in Russia, Saint-Petersburg (не знаю где ты живешь). I have dark hair.
I like English because it is very interesting. Also I go swimming every понедельник вторник или когда ты ходишь на плавание. Все.
The Russion Flag is the symbol of Russian Federation. It has got 3 horizontal strips. The colours of the Russian flag are upper-white, middle-blue and lower-red. The flag is on on every government building and on special days.
мне с вопросом моим последним в профиле
In my free time, I do exercises, go for a walk, sometimes I sit on the Internet. After school, I have free time, I devote this time to walking, friends and parents. I always try to help my mother with cleaning, and my father with talking. I communicate with friends and go out for a walk. Life is too short to sit on the Internet and not enjoy it. If a person does not have free time, then the person leads his way of life passively and does not communicate much. You can't do without free time.
Always leave at least a little time!
На всякий случай переведи, модно лучший ответ?