Today many people learn foreign languages. It helps to communicate, it is one of the criteria by which people will judge your intelligence. So, is learning foreign languages bad or good? Knowing foreign language can help you to make connections with people of different nations. Pestered language barrier will be broken, as a result you would have the opportunity to make friends, to establish useful relationships. However, some people think that learning foreign language ruins country's national identity. They say that one immersed into someone's culture forgets about his own. To my mind, we all should learn at least one foreign language. It trains our memory, helps to focus, improves our social skills. In conclusion, learning languages can be really good for your brain and outlook as long as you value your own culture as well.
I would like to tell you about three famous actors that played in a TV show Doctor Who. The first one is David Tennant. His real last name is McDonald. He played the Tenth Doctor and is the most famous of all 12 Doctors. David was born in Scotland, he speaks with a certain accent that is sometimes hard to understand. He has a wife - Georgia Moffet - who as well is famous for her part of the Doctor's daughter.
The second actor is Matt Smith. He is known to be the youngest actor to play the Doctor. He was the Eleventh Doctor. Smith was born in England. Now he is filming in the TV show - The Crown.
The third actor is Peter Capaldi who played the Twelfth Doctor and is known as the oldest one. Capaldi was born in Scotland just like Tennant. He has a family as well.
Если кратко, то так. Эти актёры довольно известны в самой Британии, так что думаю, для урока английского в самый раз
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