Сделать! употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соотвествующем лице и числе present continuos. 1.peter and ben are at home now. they (to play) chess. nick is at home too. he (to watch) tv. 2. ben (to show) me his new picture now. his picture is very good. 3. "what is ann (to do) now? " "she (to write) a letter to her friend." 4. "peter, close the door, please." "what peter (to do)? " "he (to close) the door." 5. "open your books at page nineteen and read the new text." "what the students (to do)? " "they (to read) the new text."
is watching
is showing
is writing
is doing
is closing
are doing
are reading