Описание картинки: + вступление I'd like to describe picture number 1/2/3
the place 1. This photo is taken outside/inside.
in the at home, school
the action 2. In this picture I can see.az boy, ugim, a women, a man
3. They are// she is/ he is + Ving.
4.The atmosphere is cheerful /calm/stressful.
5. It seems to me look(s) happy/merry/sad/tired/ surprised serious related
- the weather is fine. It is) Summer, winter, spring, cumn.
Moreover, I seein the background/ in the foreground
6. This girl/boy/ man/woman is about... years old
appearance of 7. This girl/boy/ man/woman is nice/beautiful/good-looking/handsome.
8. He/she has got...
9. Her/his/their clothes is trendy, modern, fashionable casual elegeteltta
10. He/she is wearing
11. I guess He/she is friendly, kind,smart
whether you
12. I don't /like this picture very much.
like the
picture or not
13. It is positive/ lovely/negative. It makes me feel happy/sad. I liketoo.
14. I would like to use this picture in my school project about(hobbies, school
days, free time, teenager' activities, seasons
3abepilatojaThat's all I wanted to say.
the person
1) We understand your problem, but if you just sit at home you will never change your life.
2) So why don't you tell us where have you been?
3) It is also a good idea to organize celebration in the City Park.
4) You could organize your after school time better.
5) Another idea is to join them at the train station so we can travel all together.
6) We suggest you to give up smoking.
7) Start a new life by changing old habits.