Passive: questions 4 Study the sentences and answer
questions 1 and 2.
a How much are workers in the clothes industry paid?
b Why was Stella invited to the interview?
c Will more clothes be recycled in the future?
1 Which of these questions refers to the ...
a past?
b present?
c future?
2 Where do we put be in questions in the future form?
2. - A
3. - B
4. - C
5. - A
6. - B
7. - B
8. - A
9. - B
10. - C
We want to go out now (s на конце не нужно, так-как здесь используется местоимение we)
We are not going to invite him to our party
I didn't buy anything at the museum shop
When did you read a really funny book?
There aren't many eggs.
My parents will give us some money
There won't be any good music at my Dad's party.
Football is more popular than tennis in my country
You can't see that film because you aren't old
Does your sister like working in that cafe?
My room
Hello, in this story I would like to tell you about my room. It is not big. There is clean window and my working table near it. Right of the table stands my bed. During cold evenings I like to lay on my bed and read faaavourit books.
In the middle of my room lays cappet. It is blue and so soft! When I call my friends to come to me - we sit on this cappet and play some interesting games.
My wardrobe is glass. It means that you can see all of my clothes without openning it!
On my sill stands my plants. I like them so much! They decorate my room!
извини, слова не считала. Может, сама что-то добавишь :) удачи, надеюсь, я не подведу тебя :)