The reserve is a land or water area within which the natural complex is completely and permanently removed from economic use and is protected by the state. In Russia there are more than 100 of these unique places of the nature which are under special protection and protection (till the end of 2020 it is planned to open 11 more). In accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation, 1995, nature reserves are types of protected areas (PAS), the status of their territories as national parks, has a Federal importance (247). Depending on the occupied areas, reserves are large (giant reserves, S more than 1 million hectares), medium and small.
Заповедник представляет собой участок земного или водного пространства, в пределах которого природный комплекс полностью и навсегда выведен из хозяйственного пользования и охраняется государством. В России находится более 100 этих уникальных мест природы, находящихся под особой охраной и защитой (до конца 2020 года планируется открыть еще 11). В соответствии с федеральным законом РФ 1995 года заповедники относятся к типу особо охраняемых природных территорий (ООПТ), состояние их территорий, как и нациоанальных парков, имеет федеральное значение (всего 247 объект). В зависимости от занимаемых площадей заповедники бывают крупные (заповедники-гиганты, S более 1 млн. га), средние и малые.
The word “library” comes from the Latin word liber, meaning “a (1) _. A. book __”. This is a place where information in print and in other form is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests. Libraries appeared in (2) __ B. ancient _ times in Egypt, Assiria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most (3) __ B. famous _ library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. He ordered the librarians to collect all the Greek texts as well as (4) _ D. manuscripts __ in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library.The first libraries in Russia were established in medieval (5) _ C. monasteries __ .Public libraries were opened in the 19th century at the Academy of sciences and Moscow University.
The library today is a centre of all kinds of (6) _ B. communications __ : printed, pictured, recorded and electronically stored. People go to the library to read, listen, look, search, inquire, relax, discuss and think.The largest and best-known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in (7) 7. A. London ___ , the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and (8) _ D. exchange __ books and information.
Most libraries have a professionally educated (9) __ C. staff _ whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily (10) . A. use ___ them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or to (11) _ B. advise __ you how to find the information you (12) __ D. need _ .
Many people have books at home. These are the books of their (13) __ A. favourite _ authors, dictionaries, reference books and the like. My family also has a family (14) _ C. library __ . It was my grandfather who started to (15) _ B. collect __ it. There are over two thousands of books in it. I believe, sometime I will read them all.
For me, our entire country suffers from many problems.
For example, environmental problems, people throw garbage wherever they want, on the street, in the yard, etc. We must give all the garbage to recycling. It will recycle your trash and turn it into clothes, dishes, newspaper, etc.
Another problem is the problem of finance, because in the sleepy world of poor people, some cannot even afford a crumb of bread due to poverty. To solve this problem, it is necessary that Rich people help the poor. Hope it shuts down
There are still problems
For example COVID-19.
He killed many lives. Left a lot of people without work, many people who flew to countries, they stayed in airports, since all flights were canceled. Many people went without masks and infected others