ответ:I didn’t know a lot of places , because I was poltergeist.I lived in the Carter-Browns’-hose and never visited other counties . But my uncle Henry always told me about fantastic places in different parts of the warld . Did you know Paris ? Well, my uncle Henry often went there . He said it was beautiful, but how did he know ? He didn’t have got a head , so he couldn’t see ! My favourite place was my room . I shared it with my friend Sophie . She always said it was her room , but it was really our room
ответ:I didn’t know a lot of places , because I was poltergeist.I lived in the Carter-Browns’-hose and never visited other counties . But my uncle Henry always told me about fantastic places in different parts of the warld . Did you know Paris ? Well, my uncle Henry often went there . He said it was beautiful, but how did he know ? He didn’t have got a head , so he couldn’t see ! My favourite place was my room . I shared it with my friend Sophie . She always said it was her room , but it was really our room
1.ПЛАГИАТ-выдача чужого произведения за своё или незаконное опубликование чужого произведения под своим именем, литературное воровство.
2.Может быть виноват и ученик, и учитель. Студент, если он ленив, нехватка времени, боязнь неудачи, незнание, отсутствие принуждения, давление на публикацию. Учитель, если он не объясняет.
3.Копирование с интернета.
4.Да, иногда.
5.Причиной плагиата может послужить - нехватка знаний, страх, неуверенность, не владение навыками правильного проектирования.