The Unicom The unicom is one of the most beautiful mythological creatures.
This animal looks like a horse with a hom on its forehead. In Ancient Greece people
believed that those who drank from its hom were protected from stomachache, epilepsy,
and poison. In the beginning the unicom was not so beautiful: people described it as a
fierce creature with the head of a stag, the feet of an elephant and the tail of a boar, but
then the image changed. Most cultures of the world depict these animals as white horses
with a long hom on the forehead. The hom is usually spiraled. In most tales unicoms are
magnificent and noble creatures, a symbol of purity and goodness.
Today we can say that unicoms rule popular culture. You can "find" millions of unicoms
all over the world: toys, pictures, cartoons, films, songs, cookies, cakes, clothes, bedding
and even slippers.
The following questions will help you to organize the speech:
1. The Unicom usually spiraled
2. Today we can say that unicoms rule popular culture
3. The Unicoms looks like a horse
4. The people believed that unicoms existed
You can find" millions of unicoms all over the world
6. The unicoms is most popular mythological creatures.
In most fairy tales, unicors are villains and insidious creatures
1. When my brother come to city, we goes to the park together
2. If my children run in the yard, they becomes very thirsty
I тип
1. If this dress costs too much i will not take it
2. He will be angry if you looses this phone
3. If you don`t eat up some soup we will feed the dog in the garden
II тип
1. If we had free time now, we would watch our favourite film
2. If i were you, i wouldn`t eat fast food
3. Her job woulde be so difficult if she didnt have a secretary
III тип
1. If he hadn`t been smoking so much, he wouldn`t have been in hospital
2. If they hadn`t been meeting him yesterday, they would have been called you.