One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a ghost ...
I have never been so frightened as that night
Я хочу рассказать жуткую историю. Однажды ночью мне показалось, что в моей комнате есть кто-то кроме меня. Я открыл глаза и увидел у окна тень. Она была очень высокая, худая и протягивала ко мне руки. Мне стало страшно, и я закричал так громко как только мог. Я сидел на кровати и кричал. Вдруг в комнату вбежали мои родители. Они были очень напуганы. Папа включил свет, и я перестал кричать. Оказывается, днем мама принесла из зала в мою комнату огромную пальму в большом горшке и поставила ее за штору. Ночью была полная луна, и мне показалось, что это привидение... Мне никогда не было так страшно как в ту ночь
I’m wake up and go to the sea. Sea warm... I went swimming in the sea. After i’m going to lunch. After i ate, i saw a little cat. She’s stuck. I helped her.
Anna Shurochkina was born in a family of musicians in August, 1990. Her father was the soloist of the most popular group "Tender May" earlier, and her mother Elena sang in one of rock groups. Unfortunately, when Ania was only 2 years old, her parents left. Nevertheless the father always paid attention to the daughter. The girl started singing practically since the birth and in 3 years she had the first vocal teacher – Victor Pozdnyakov. He at once understood that the girl has magnificent hearing, and in a year the range of her voice could develop all. Pozdnyakov imparted love of future singer to writing.
Beginning to tell you about my favourite newspaper, firstly I would like to stress that the mass media and especially press play very important role in our lives.Needless to say that the mass media have done and continue doing much to excite and to maintain our interest in every aspect of the life in Russia. But I want to draw your attention to the work of press and its role in the life of society.The press is one of those few means of getting information, which exists in almost all parts of the world. Reading different newspapers and magazines, we learn about recent political, economical and cultural events in Russia and abroad, about international relations and progressive views, about ordinary and extraordinary things and cases. That is why I think it necessary that people should read newspapers and magazines.As for me, my favourite newspaper is “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” (“MK”, in brief). I am sure you have heard about this newspaper and have had a chance to read it. I suppose, it gives us a great amount of information and quickly and vividly reflects current and important events on its pages.The principal vital and actual problems are always discussed by the reporters of “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” and this feature attracts me much. On the pages of “MK” we also can find broad daylights of the political life of the country – this is another good tradition and positive particularity which is liked by its readers.For all items and saturation coverage of occasions this newspaper offers a lot of columns and headings with brief and interesting headlines.It goes without saying that the most exciting reports and latest news are always published on the first page of “MK” so that the readers could familiarize with them at once. To my mind, it’s very convenient!Recently a great amount of advertisements have appeared on the news pages and on the pages of “MK” too. I consider this is wrong: advertisements occupy the space which could be used for news or reviews and must be published only as special separate periodicals. They reduce the quality of the newspaper as a source of information and affect its prestige, and this point should be taken into account.On the whole my favourite newspaper meets my requirements and I hope that it will be printed in future.
I would like to tell you a horrible story.
One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a ghost ...
I have never been so frightened as that night
Я хочу рассказать жуткую историю. Однажды ночью мне показалось, что в моей комнате есть кто-то кроме меня. Я открыл глаза и увидел у окна тень. Она была очень высокая, худая и протягивала ко мне руки. Мне стало страшно, и я закричал так громко как только мог. Я сидел на кровати и кричал. Вдруг в комнату вбежали мои родители. Они были очень напуганы. Папа включил свет, и я перестал кричать. Оказывается, днем мама принесла из зала в мою комнату огромную пальму в большом горшке и поставила ее за штору. Ночью была полная луна, и мне показалось, что это привидение... Мне никогда не было так страшно как в ту ночь