Биография джорджа вашингтона на языке: he was born on feb. 22, 1732 (feb. 11, 1731, o. the first son of augustine washington and his second wife, mary ball washington, on the family estate (later known as wakefield) in westmoreland co., va. of a wealthy family, washington embarked upon a career as a surveyor and in 1748 was invited to go with the party that was to survey baron fairfax's lands w of the blue ridge. in 1749 he was appointed to his first public office, surveyor of newly created culpeper co., and through his half-brother lawrence washington he became interested in the ohio company, which had as its object the exploitation of western lands. after lawrence's death (1752), george inherited part of his estate and took over some of lawrence's duties as adjutant of the colony. as district adjutant, which made (dec., 1752) him major washington at the age of 20, he was charged with training the militia in the quarter assigned him.
Pushkin - one of the most famous russian poets.it is famous for its beautiful proistemi,each of his work carries a different favorite work - "captain's daughter".novel-a novel about love,about dedication,about destiny ,pain,betrayal.there are a lot of meanings,the basis of the work - historical events.the main characters - masha milovana and petr grinev.masha-nice girl,too late remains an orphan.peter green-the officer sent to omsk.he fell in love with her not saasu ,then,after passing ogromnoe number of ispytaniy.the work teaches a lot,but the biggest sense to me - from the fate not go away,no luck,no luck ,everything is predetermined.with each person we meet and for anything-be it a lesson or happiness of life.