Dear visitor! Welcome to our city. It is a very cozy and beautiful place. Here you can enjoy nature and its inhabitants, stroll through the parks and gardens of our town. We have very cultured inhabitants. I think you'll like it here!
Дорогой посетитель!Добро в наш город. Это очень уютное и красивое место. Здесь вы можете насладиться природой и её обитателями, прогуляться по паркам и садам нашего городка. У нас очень культурные жители. Я думаю, вам тут понравится!
1. I would like to tell you about my favorite holiday!2. My favorite holiday is New Year.3.New Year comes in the nights 31 of December - 1 of January at 12:00 p.m.4. I love this holiday because in the New Year the whole family gathers in the same house and discuss the best moments of this year.5. In the new year people are give presents to each other.6. New Year in Russia is Putin's holiday congratulation. 7. In the New Year the whole family in the collection and dress up the Christmas tree.8. Also if you behave yourself then Santa can bring a present under the Christmas tree.9.In order to appease Santo you need to retain biscuits with milk under the Christmas tree. Всё, НО СТОИТ ПЕРЕПРОВЕРИТЬ.
1. I would like to tell you about my favorite holiday!2. My favorite holiday is New Year.3.Novy year - comes in the nightss December 31, January 1, at 12:00 pm.4. I love this holiday, because of the new year the whole family gathers in the same house and discuss the best moments of the year.5. In the new year, people are preparing gifts to each other.6. New Year in Russia is Putin's holiday greetings. : D7. In the new year the whole family in the collection and dress up the Christmas tree.8. Also, if you behave yourself, then Santa can bring a gift for the festive Christmas tree.9. In order to appease Santo, you need to keep the Christmas tree cookies with milk.
Дорогой посетитель!Добро в наш город. Это очень уютное и красивое место. Здесь вы можете насладиться природой и её обитателями, прогуляться по паркам и садам нашего городка. У нас очень культурные жители. Я думаю, вам тут понравится!
Удачи! Надеюсь, моё решение вам пригодиться.