ТЕКСТ ЗАДАНИЯ Read and put the words in correct place: It is also called a twister and it can be very 4. if touches the surface of the ground or water. dangerous careful Wind rivers impact earthquake
1 I can't translate this article because i don't have a dictionary. 2 may I see Bill? Certainly. You can find him in the reading hall. 3 I can remember many words at once. 4 yesterday I couldn't come to you because I was busy. 5 he can't go quickly. He is tired. 6 can you sing? Yes, I can. Can you take part in the concert tomorrow? Of course, with pleasure. 7 can you help me to lay the table? I am sorry but I am in a hurry and I can't help you now. 8 I wonder if he can do this work himself 9 if you work hard, you will able to speak English well soon. 10 I couldn't get tickets to the theatre yesterday. 11 my friend can't drive a car well. 12 he is unlikely to have made such a mistake. 13 he couldn't read Latin and understand what the doctor prescribed him 14 could you give me your dictionary? I will return it the day after tomorrow. 15 can she really be the little Lizzy? How much she has grown. 16 can I see the manager? Unfortunately, no. He will be by 12. 17 unfortunately, I can't remember anything about her. It was so long ago. 18 can you roller skate? No, I can't. Neither can I. But Tom can. 19 here it is forbidden to cross the street. Please, go to the passage underground. 20 in spite of difficulties he was able to achieve a lot. 21 he couldn't explain us anything. 22 I can't carry this bag. It is too heavy. 23 he will able to call you only late in the evening. 24 he can't be here anymore. It is very dangerous. 25 I won't be able to believe you until you show me this letter. 26 they can't have noticed us. We were too far away. 27 can you drive a car. No, I can't. I am learning. 28 if the weather doesn't change, we won't be able to go picnicking on Sunday. 29 you can go there on foot. It will take you 10 minutes. 30 it is forbidden to leave a car here. 31 it is possible to get to the city by bus. 32 some parrots can pronounce words and even phrases. 33 could he really be involved in this case? 34 she can't be sleeping now. I have just seen her in the garden. 35 it can be cold in England . 36 I couldn't come to you yesterday in the evening because I had a meeting. 37 when can I talk to you? 38 he couldn't join us. He had a training. 39 could she really have told you about it herself? 40 I can't leave home. I have a fever. 41 she will able to help you if you ask her. 42 could she really be still speaking over the phone. 43 would you kindly tell me the time? 44 you could watch TV if you like. 45 he can't be late. He is always so punctual. 46 he can't have read this book so quickly. It is too hard for him. 47 you can take the dictionary. I don't need it anymore. 48 you shouldn't drink so much coffee in the evenings. 49 you can rely on him. He is a very reliable person. 50 speak louder, please. I don't hear anything.
1) He thinks that he will become an engineer. 2) She said that she knows mathematics well. 3) I've decided that next year I will go on a vacation to the south. 4) He realized that he had made a serious mistake (или had made a blunder) 5) I did not know that you live in Moscow. 6) He thought that we had already translated this text. 8) He told me that he would meet me at the college. 9) I think that he will leave for Moscow tomorrow. 10) He understands that the job (или work смотря в каком контекста) is going to be hard.