We live in a world full of different types of pollution. Wanting to make their lives easier people have invented so many new devices and factories, that nature is in danger. At the moment, our planet suffers from numerous problems and damages. Mass destruction of forests adversely affects climate and reduces biodiversity, gene pool.Factories regularly emit harmful chemicals into the air. Apart from air pollution, water and soil are subjected to pollutions as well. person destroys not only environment, plants, animals, but also himself.
I have very huge plans for my future. One of them is to finish my college with red diploma. To get it I need to study hard, don't get a mark less than 4 and study more. Left more than a year for my college graduation and I will not give up! After I finish my college I want to study in university. For the time being I don't know what university I am going to go. But i really want to join in Politico-Technical Institute for Bioengineering faculty. There are only 7 places for this faculty. And i need to improve my chemistry and math "skills". After the university I want to live in Russia and find work there. If every thing will going well, I'm going to travel around the world. I really want to visit Japan, France and Greenland. To choose the place where I and my kinds going to live. Than i want to learn the language of the country that i choose, find nice work, wife and live at one's pleasure... Фх... Запарился пока писал, удачи с твоими планами :), уверен что у тебя великое будущее. P.S. переводил сам.
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