I like watching superhero films. At the moment my favourite film is "Avengers: Infinity War". This part of the Avengers series was released in 2018. It was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo.
In the film we see the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy trying to fight Thanos who wants to collect the six Infinity Stones and kill half of all life in the universe. The film is full of dramatic moments and its ending left me really sad. There were a few times when I felt something was missing but I have a feeling that I will find the answers when I watch the next part.
What I like about this film is the way the directors juggled so many characters and so many plotlines. I also enjoyed watching the combat scenes. The acting is very good too.
I am glad to have seen this film and I would recommend it to everyone who likes action-adventure films.
Вопрос переводится так: скажите. что вы обычно делаете на уроке и во время перерыва. I'm working on the lessons and listen carefully what the teacher says. I try not to be distracted and to work hard.During the break, I first prepared for the lesson, and then do my own thing, or play with your friends.Перевод:На уроках я внимательно слушаю что говорит учитель.Я стараюсь не отвлекаться и усердно писать. На переменах я первым делом подготавливаюсь у уроку. а потом занимаюсь своими делами или играю с друзьями.
Изменение предложения на пассивном залоге. Дайте два пассивных конструкций.1. Тренер боксера некоторые инструкции. 2. Они будут предоставлять мне отпуск в июле, если нет работ. 3.His друзья никогда не простил ему нечестность. 4. Управление предложил мне несколько рабочих мест, и я не могу решить, что предпринять. Командир 5.The с возложением на него очень ответственная миссия. 6. Они обещают вам много, но не думаю, что они дадут вам все. 7.His родители регулярно посылал ему посылки с фруктами из своего сада. 8. доктор прописал ему длительный отдых. 9.They как правило, направлены на детей в лагерь летом. 10. Я дал ему журнал на английском языке. 11. Учитель показал нам некоторые интересные схемы. 12. Они дали нам билет на концерт.
My Favourite Film
I like watching superhero films. At the moment my favourite film is "Avengers: Infinity War". This part of the Avengers series was released in 2018. It was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo.
In the film we see the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy trying to fight Thanos who wants to collect the six Infinity Stones and kill half of all life in the universe. The film is full of dramatic moments and its ending left me really sad. There were a few times when I felt something was missing but I have a feeling that I will find the answers when I watch the next part.
What I like about this film is the way the directors juggled so many characters and so many plotlines. I also enjoyed watching the combat scenes. The acting is very good too.
I am glad to have seen this film and I would recommend it to everyone who likes action-adventure films.