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До іть будь ласка (Тут треба поставляти слова)Ergänze die Lücken mit den passenden Wörtern aus dem Kasten, benutze auch die Karte. Höre die Lösung.
Österreich, westlichste, Frankreich, Alpen, Dänemark, Gebirge,
Mitteleuropa, Zugspitze, die Niederlande, Flüsse, die Tschechische
Republik, Insel, östlichste, Belgien
Deutschland liegt in Mitteleuropala) und grenzt an neun Länder) im
Norden, Polen und ...) im Osten, () und die Schweiz im Süden, ...(5)
im Südwesten, Luxemburg und ... im Westen, ...) im Nordwesten. Die
Grenze ist insgesamt 3 757 km lang.
Der nördlichste Punkt des Landes befindet sich auf der ...(8) Sylt nördlich
von List am Ellenbogen. Den südlichsten Punkt Deutschlands bildet das
Haldenwanger Eck südlich von Oberstdorf. Vom Ellenbogen bis zum
Haldenwanger Eck sind es etwa 886 Kilometer Luftlinie. Der ...(9) Ort
Deutschlands liegt in Isenbruch an der Grenze zu den Niederlanden,
der ... (10) zwischen Neißeaue-Deschka und Neißeaue-Zentendorf an
der Neiße. Von Isenbruch bis zum östlichsten Punkt sind es rund 636
Kilometer Luftlinie.
Die Bodenfläche Deutschlands beträgt 357 050 km2, das Gebiet in der
Nordsee ist 7 900 km2 und das in der Ostsee 9 000 km² groß.
Die bedeutendsten ...(11) sind die Donau, der Rhein, die Elbe und die
Die ... (12) sind das größte Gebirge Europas. Auf deutschem Gebiet gehören
zu diesem Gebirge auch das Bayerische Alpenvorland und das Allgäu.
Hier befinden sich große Grünlandschaften, die gerne viele Touristen
besuchen. Weitere deutsche ... (13) sind der Harz, das Erzgebirge, das
Fichtelgebirge, der Hunsrück und der Bayerische Wald. Die höchsten
Berge befinden sich in Bayern, die ... (14) ist mit 2 962 Metern der höchste
Berg Deutschlands.​

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Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland) lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland (Ireland) and takes 1/6 of it. It includes 6 of 9 areas of historical province of Ulster (Ulster). The East Coast region goes to North Channel (North Channel) and the Irish Sea (Irish Sea), which separates it from the island of Great Britain (Great Britain). The northern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and to the west and south are land borders with the Republic of Ireland. The capital and the largest city in Northern Ireland - Belfast (Belfast).Speaking about the topography of Northern Ireland, this part of the kingdom is sometimes compared to a saucer: its relief at the boundaries mainly formed by mountains, and the central part is occupied by fertile plains. Here lies the biggest freshwater lake in the British Isles (British Isles) - Lough Neagh (Lough Neagh), covers an area of ​​391 square meters. km. It is especially popular among bird lovers: winter arrives here 100 000 birds from Canada, Iceland, Greenland and the Arctic.The highest point of the region is the 850-meter high mountain Drain-Donard (Slieve Donard) in the mountain range Morne (Mourne Mountains), which is south-east. Guests who decide to spend their holidays in the UK study of its natural beauty, is worth visiting, and the north-east - on the plateau of Antrim (Antrim Plateau). Its main attraction - the natural basalt columns up to 12 meters, known as the Giant's 

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4,7(69 оценок)
Задание № 1:

Choose the article a/an/the or zero article "-".

1) I have dogs. I love them so much!

2)The dog is white. Her name is Penny.

3) My brother has a big weekend house.

4). polar bears are white.

5)The sun isn't so hot today.

6) I like this book.

7) My friend is an engeneer in a factory.

8) John is Pola's brother.

9) I don't like flowers.

10) Please, tell to my mother that I don't want to eat.

Задание № 2:

Какие предложения написаны в верных грамматических временах (right), а какие в неверных (wrong).

1) Yesterday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. I was watching one very interesting program on TV. right

2) I have been in Paris last year. wrong

3) I am visited my sister every weekend. wrong

4) She usually drives very fast. right

5) I was sleeping when someone knocked at the door. right

Задание № 3:

Put the verb from the brackets into the Present Perfect.

1) We've already
had lunch.

2) They have
begun painting the living room.

3) He has never
driven a motorbike before.

4) She has finally

5) Have we ever
met before?

6) Where have we
put the car keys?

7) I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I haven't

8) You have
bought lot of clothes recently.

9) Have you
chosen your university.

10) Why has John
left already?

Задание № 4:

Определите, чем является's в предложениях – обозначением притяжательного падежа или сокращенной формой глагола is.

Example: Carla is Tom's mother. (Карла – мать Тома.) — 's обозначает притяжательный падеж

Tom's a good boy. (Tom – хороший мальчик.) — 's обозначает сокращение глагола is (Tom is a good boy.)

1) He's a writer. сокращение глагола is

2) This is Kim's sister. притяжательный падеж

3) Smith's 35. сокращение глагола is

4) George's Spanish. сокращение глагола is

5) Lara's school is in the center of London. притяжательный падеж

6) Tony's brother is a butcher. притяжательный падеж

7) What's his job? сокращение глагола is

8) Where are Jane's friends? притяжательный падеж

9) Their daughter's a police officer. сокращение глагола is

10) The cats' food is in the kitchen.
притяжательный падеж
Задание № 5:

Дополните предложения прилагательными в сравнительной или превосходной степени.

1) Which is the most common
word in English?(common)

2) February is shorter
than January. (short)

3) Which one is the heaviest
book on the table?(heavy)

4) Horses are more intelligent
than donkeys.(intelligent)

5) Is August the hottest
month of the year?(hot)

Дополните предложения наречиями в сравнительной степени.

1) He arrived earlier
than expected. (early)

2) He checked his answers more carefully
than she did. (carefully)

3) My sister sang more beautifully
than Amanda did. (beautifully)

4) He hit his arm harder
than before. (hard)

5) My mother and my sister talked louder
than the other guests. (loudly)

Задание № 6:

Watch the video and choose: True or False.

1) All the animals in the jungle had a king.

2) The parakeet can speak and talk to the other animals.

3) The sparrow was hiding under the eagle’s head.

4) The eagle suggested a competition.

5) The toucan has a fantastic beak.
4,7(51 оценок)
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