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19.08.2021 11:26 •  Английский язык

Установите соответствие текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только 1 раз. В задании 1 тем лишняя. 7 класс темы: school activites
a job
a plact of interest
an animal
a famous person
a hospital
тексты: Пуа Repin was a very successful artist. He was incredibly Кard-working, and leff a lot of раintings and hundreds of drawings to future generations. Repin did not have one favourite theme. We сan see bargemen, high officials, Biblical characters, and tsars in his paintings, Repin was the first Russian artist to achieve European famе using specifically Russian themes. в) This text deals with The Louvre is the world's argest museum and has one of the biggest art collections in history. The beautifil palace is located on the banks of the Seine River in Paris. In is one of the city's biggest tourist attrаctions. More than 35,000 works are on display in the museum. Undoubtedly, the Louvre's most famous work is Leonardo dа Vincis Mona Lisa. С) This text deals with. If you have a pet, you must know what vets do. These people help ill animals. They cheеck the animal's health and give medicine if they need help. Vets work in veterinary clinies or hospitals Those who treat farm or other Harge animals must travel to their patients. Vets who work for zoos are part of a team that studies and cares for ihe animals D) This text deals with... Giraffes are amаzing. They are very big and can grow up to 17 feet tall. They live in the wild savannah in Africa Giraffes eat only plants. They use their long necks and tongues to get to leaves from trees. A typical adult giraffe will eat over 70 роunds of leaves and fruit cach day. Girafes don't nсed to drink water very offen because there is so much water in the leaves they eat E) This text deals with.. Many students are keen on learning history. It is interesting to lcarn about famous people, events and places: When you read about the events in the past. you can understand many things about the present However, history can be qute difficult for writing a test, You have to learn a lor of dates and names by heart, which is not an easy task at all.


school activites e)

a job c)

a place of interest b)

an animal d)

a famous person a)

a hospital


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The 21 century has begun. But our life, however, does not seem to have changed in comparacement with the 20 century. We are not living on Mars or exploring new galaxies though many writers of the 20 century predicted that. We are still cooking our meal ourselves instead of using the help of robots and spend hours travelling from one place to another though according to the predictions we were supposed to do this in several seconds. So has our life changed at all? It seems - no. But let us look on some examples. Who could imagine the role of the computers in the modern world even 30 years ago? Sci-fi writers told us about the probable usage of the computers in science but, I believe, nobody really thought that a computer would become an absolutely necessary thing in our everyday life-a workspace and an entertainer in one thing. And what about the revolution in communications which has been happening for the last 10 years? I mean the mobile phones and the Internet. It seems it was quite recently when a telephone at home was the only way to talk with somebody far away from you and still many people preferred to write letters and then the waiting for the response could last for months sometimes. Now everything is quite different. You can get in touch with your friend from nearly any place of the Earth with the help of the mobile phone and the response on your letter arrives the next second it was sent. And these are the most obvious changes which influenced our lives. I do not mention the latest researches in biology such as the decoding of human genome which was finished in the very beginning if the 21 century or in chemistry and physics which led to the opening of a new frontier-nanotechnologies. We do not pay attention to these facts-but probably just because they have not influenced our life yet. However, this does not mean that there would be no influence. The possible results, for example, on medicine are fascinating. And, well, it is difficult to predict what will happen in the future-technologies are improving all the time and I would not be surprised if in 10 years` time things that now we cannot imagine would become common and familiar. Still, we should not forget about the problems that were left to us by the 20 century. The ecological situation is rather serious and globalization has led to some cultural misunderstandings between different nations. However, these problems can be solved if all the humankind would not only realize the importance of these problems but would do something about it as well. To sum it up, we have lot things to do in the 21 century-from learning todeal with each other to exploring new scientific frontiers. So, what waits for us in the 21 century? Well, that depends on us!
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Let's make pizza.


*1 pizza base *Pizza sauce (ketchup or so).

Favorite topping:
Grated cheese (mozzarella, romano, parmesan, goat cheese or some combination) Sliced pepperoni Chopped onions Green peppers Sausage Bacon or bacon bits Olives (Black, green, or stuffed) Mushrooms Ham pieces Pineapple slices
How we make it:
1) Preheat the oven to 400° F. The oven should be piping hot before you start cooking the pizza.
2) Prepare the crust. Remove the unbaked crust from the packaging. Use a brush to spread a thin coating of olive oil over the top of the crust.
3) Spread pizza sauce and your favorite topping on the crust
4) Add the cheese
5) Bake the pizza. Place the pizza in the oven and have it bake for about 20 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted.
And it's ready.

Давайте сделаем пиццу.
1) Основа для пиццы
2) Соусы для пиццы

1.Тёртый сыр (моцарелла, романо, пармезан, козий сыр или смесь сортов сыра.
2. Нарезанные кусочки пепперони
3. Нашинкованный лук
4. Зеленый перец
5. Сосиски (или колбаса)
6. Бекон
7. Оливки (черные/зеленые/с начинкой)
8. Грибы
10. Кусочки ананаса

Как делать:

1) Прогрейте духовку до 400 градусов. Духовка должна быть разогрета до того как вы начнете готовить.
Подготовьте основу. Уберите лишнюю корочку и упаковку. Используйте кисточку, для того чтобы равномерно распределить тонкий слой оливкового масла.
3) Распределите соус и любимую начинку на корж.
4) Добавьте сыр.
5) Поставьте пиццу запекаться в духовке на 20 минут или до тех пор пока корочка не станет золотистой и сыр не расплавится.

И вуаля, готово!
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