1. the chair was big, expensive, but inconvenient. 2. between the two kingdoms was carried out (there was) an undeclared war. 3. in the village there were a lot of uneducated people, isn't it? 4. -why are you wearing casual clothes? is neoficalnaja meeting. 5. this is the most uncomfortable, apartment i have ever lived. 6. the country became free and independent. 7. this is bad news. 8. in this area there is no other uninhabited islands. 9. on the face of the young man was an unpleasant smile. 10. the story was short and unimpressive .
Совы одни из самых загадочных и харизматичных хищников в мире.Несмотря на огромное количество существующих стереотипов мы очень мало знаем о них.Многие считают что не все совы ухают.Кисточки на голове сов,это не уши.В древнем Египте сов почитали как богов.Совы съесть добычу крупнее самих.Совы считаются бесшумными хищниками.
Owls one of the most enigmatic and charisma predators in the world.In spite of enormous amount of existent stereotypes we very small know about them.Many consider that not all owls gasp.Brushes on the head of owls it is not ears.In ancient Egypt of owls honoured as Gods.Owls are able to eat a booty larger.Owls are considered noiseless predators