To tell the truth, I've always wanted to be a designer. I really love creating clothes. I read all the fashion magazines. In my free time, I watch a lot of videos called "I'm going to be a designer". To be a designer, you must be patient, responsible, and creative. I have all these qualities, so I am sure that I will become a good designer.
По правде говоря, я всегда мечтала о профессии дизайнера. Я действительно люблю создавать одежду. Я читаю все журналы о моде. В свободное время я смотрю много видеороликов под названием "Я собираюсь стать дизайнером". Чтобы быть дизайнером, нужно быть терпеливым, ответственным и креативным человеком. У меня есть все эти качества, поэтому я уверена, что стану хорошим дизайнером
Becky: What are you going to do this weekend?
Liam: I'm going to help my dad on Saturday. What about you?
Becky: Well, I don't help my dad! My grandparents live in Wales. I'm going to visit them.
Liam: That sounds great! Have you got any plans for Sunday?
Becky: I'm going to play volleyball on Sunday at three o'clock. I play for a team. We've got some good players. I think we win. Would you like to come and watch?
Liam: OK, great idea! I'm going to see you at the sports centre at three.
Helen: I go to the shops this afternoon with my mum.
Mark: Oh, really? Are you going to buy a birthday present for Jackie?
Helen: Yes, I am. I'm going to look for a new skirt for her party too.
Mark: Mmm. I'd like to go shopping. Can I come with you?
Helen: Of course! I 'm going to ask my mum.