We all like going to zoos, but what do animals think about it? Should people keep animals in captivity?
From one point of view, this issue has multiple positive aspects. For example, animals are under the constant care of a human. If an animal needs help, people can provide it by nursing them. In addition, people aim to increase the number of extinct animal populations. Also going to the zoo improves a person's mood.
On the other hand, animals are kept in cages, which are not their natural environment. Also, some people import animals unlawfully.
In conclusion, I would like to say that keeping animals in zoos has more advantages than disadvantages. People who work in zoos try to do their best to improve animals' lives.
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Б. Напиши,какие глаза,уши,нос,голова,ноги,хвост и тело у этих животных.
1. An elephant has got a FAT body. 2. A frog has got BIG eyes. 3. A mouse has got a LONG tail. 4. A sheep has got THIN legs. 5. A dog has got BIG ears. 6. An elephant has got a LONG nose. 7. A dog has got a BIG head.