Homework Complete the text. Choose the correct word.
My name is Catalina. I think it is interesting with my mobile phone, but these photos are
to find art in our life. I really enjoy (1) going/ not very (7) good/well
. Many of my friends
to the cinema, art galleries or museums, also love photography, and sometimes we
and try to (2) understanding/understand what go out to take photos together.
the artist (3) want/wants to tell us. I am not One more thing I like is writing. I think that it
a very (4) create/creative person. The art is very interesting to share your feelings with
like most is (5) photography/photos. Some other people. I usually write when I am sad
years ago I went to a photography course and or happy, when I am full of feelings.
learned some things about it and about the I think that art is something that (8) needs/
cameras. But one day my camera (6) brakes, helps us to share our feelings with other
broke down. Of course, my parents did not people and to (9) create/understand other
buy me a new one. I continue taking photos people's feelings.
Sam and Molly return home after evening in the theater. The dark alley robber attacks on them. Defending himself, Sam dies. Becoming a ghost, Sam learns that his death was planned, and Molly is in mortal danger! But, for a beautiful woman, he is now "the invisible man", whom she don't sees and hears.
The only way to connect with Molly and pass on the important message is to use supernatural abilities-mediumship of inexperienced women by the name of Oda Mae Brown. She is not confident in their abilities, but Sam persuaded her. Oda Mae Brown goes to Molly, where Sam and talks about the danger. Molly does not believe her. Then, the woman-medium starts telling about intimate things about who knew only Sam and Molly.
Suddenly, the bandits attacked Molly and Oda Mae Brown. Sam helps women escape: he kills the gangsters.
After that happens to be incredible: God allows Molly to see Sam, it is bright. Soul Sam says goodbye to Molly and flies off to heaven. Molly was crying.