I would like to describe the room in which I live. At the entrance of the room you can notice a big red carpet and a blue bed on which I like to rest. There are two nightstands near the bed, one of which has a vase and a portrait of my grandmother on it. If you look to the right you can see my desk and the TV I usually watch in the evening. In front of my desk hangs a glass on which a lamp hangs. If you are about to leave, turning around you can see a wall clock and a huge closet with a calendar on it. This is my room!
Описал как смог, надеюсь что выручил, так же постарайся заменить слова которые не знаешь на синонимы чтобы у учителя не было сомнений на счет честности написания. Удачи!
How many brothers have you got? How tall are giraffes? How much do you camels weigh? How fast do tigers run? How often do you eat hamburgers?